Okay, so I have to start by saying I hate working out, the idea of training makes me want to curl up into a ball and hide under my comforter. At least it did until I started working out with Kamran. Now (and I am loath to admit it) I actually look forward to training and am so proud of the results I have achieved. Or rather the results WE have achieved, for Kamran is so invested in my progress and deserves so much credit.
A little background; I initially started working out with Kamran because I was getting married and like most people I wanted to look the best I possibly could for my big day. So I figured a few short sharp weeks and hopefully I’d drop a few pounds and magically gain a six pack that somehow guests would be able to see through my suit. Little did I know that months later I would still be enjoying myself, making great progress in my strength, suppleness and overall well-being.
I’m in my forties hadn’t kept myself in shape and also had some back issues. Kamran not only took these factors into account, but helped me improve them. From the first session Kamran really worked with me. All my sessions feel tailored to my specific goals and I feel immeasurably healthier and happier than before. What sets Kamran apart from other trainers (beyond just his brilliant understanding of physiology and training methods) is how much he cares. He really wants to work with you, see you progress and knows how to push you further each time without you even realizing it. I’m not saying there aren’t days where I am cursing him out for making me do those extra couple of reps (he wouldn’t be doing his job is he didn’t), but choosing Kamran as my trainer was great decision that’s paying dividends.
I really can’t recommend Kamran highly enough. He’s a both a great trainer and a great person.
Adam Barry